Glorious Day on the Trail
If you’re a regular reader, you’ll recall that I often stress the virtues of proper packing for your 4WD trip. Having the right gear and supplies can make or break a four-wheeling experience.
At the same time, taking the wrong stuff can be bad for you, your vehicle and the environment. What kinds of items am I talking about? The following list will get you started. The categories showcase the issue.
Environmental Responsibility:
¢ Glass beer bottles: From the evidence I’ve seen, beer drinking can lead to irresponsible behavior. Empty bottles are tossed on the ground or into the fire pit. Broken glass litters the campground, which is a real hazard. If you want to drink beer, bring aluminum cans (and make sure you recycle).
¢ Wood with nails: Most nails end up in the fire pit. But some get scattered about, where they get stepped on and puncture tires.
¢ Processed or treated wood: This wood gives off noxious fumes when burned. Burn only pure wood and, ideally, wood that is thoroughly cured (gray in color).
On a related matter, don’t transport firewood more than about 50 miles. You risk spreading invasive bugs like the emerald ash borer.
¢ Mylar balloons: They get wrapped up in brush and simply litter the grounds (and waterways). Animals sometimes try to ingest the material or string.
Potentially Messy:

I cut the handles off to pack more efficiently. The standard holders do not handle extra large eggs.
¢ Raw eggs in the original grocery carton: There’s a high risk of breaking. The goo
works its way throughout the carton and glues other eggs together. It might also leak through the carton and gum up other food and containers in the fridge. A real mess. For health and safety, do not be tempted to crack a dozen eggs into a Nalgene bottle. That’s an easy way to introduce contaminates and salmonella. Eggs quickly spoil outside the protective shell.
If you want to pack raw eggs, store them in plastic egg containers. They come in multiple sizes, from one egg up to 12.
¢ Salsa dip in a plastic container: The lid can pop off during all the jostling of a typical 4WD trip. Then you have salsa all over the fridge/freezer or ice cooler. And if you like to keep the salsa and chips handy “ in your lap “ well, you soon have a very tasty but messy lap.
¢ Car-sick dog: No explanation needed.

Do you think this will make the trip?
Food, additional:
¢ Perishable items: Be careful with seafood, mayonnaise, and other foods that must be kept chilled. Consider eating or cooking those quickly.
¢ Large containers of condiments: Do you really need a large jar of pickles, ketchup or relish for a weekend adventure? Save precious space in your vehicle. Pack only the small containers of those and other food items.
Respect others:
¢ Loud radio or generator: Radios and generators have their place off road. Just keep the noise level down. That’s easy to do with a radio, of course. Place the generator as far from tents as possible. You could also craft a tent-like structure to help muffle the engine rumble.
¢ Human noise: We all like to have a good time while camping. Once the sun sets, make sure you lower the voice level, too. Allow other campers to sleep peacefully. Note that this doesn’t include snoring. However, if you snore loudly, please be kind to others!
¢ Trail mates: Leave any whiners behind (in town not on the trail).

Balloons in the wilderness
Wrong vehicle:
¢ All-wheel-drive vehicle: These don’t feature 4 Low, which is critical while four-wheeling. There are sections of nearly every trail that exceed the capability of an all-wheel-drive vehicle. Without 4 Low you won’t have enough power to go over boulders, up steep hills and heavy sand, or pull through snow or tough terrain.
¢ Sandals: Always pack closed-toed footwear (boots are preferred). Your feet aren’t protected with sandals. Plenty of sharp, prickly things out there.
¢ Large, non-disposable, containers: They’re handy for storing quantities of food, firewood, and other consumables. Once you use up the products, you’re stuck with that space-killing container. Bring your supplies in a cardboard box, a bag, or soft-sided carrier. You can fold up the bag and stow it. You can break down the card box and put it in the Trasharoo for recycling.
¢ Firewood, Dutch oven or fireworks: If a fire restriction is in place, leave these at home.
¢ Illegal drugs: No explanation needed. But feel free to check laws regarding marijuana. Just understand that the state you live in and the one you’re traveling to may have different laws. Being under the influence of alcohol or drugs can seriously impair an individual’s judgment and reactions leading to an increased risk of accidents and injury. We require that all drivers are sober when driving.
Lastly, things that might not be necessary:
¢ Eye lash curler
¢ Tux (unless 4WD wedding is planned)
For a successful 4WD event, what you leave at home is just as important as what you take with you. As you pack your vehicle, ask yourself if you really need each item. You may discover others items that don’t belong.
# # #
Did you miss the previous article?
¢ 2019-06-14 Refresh Your First-Aid Kit
¢ 2019-05-20 Ham Radio Use Off-Road
¢ 2019-04-25 Four Wheeling Fears
¢ 2019-03-21 Safeguard Gear, Food from Varmints, Vagrants and Weather
¢ 2019-02-13 Do You Have a Tire Failure Strategy?
¢ 2019-01-16 How to Make Great Beef Jerky
Some Upcoming Events (click on the link for details)
August 2019
August 03 Getting Started Off-Road “ LA area
August 04 Day 2 Getting Started Off-Road “ LA area
August 12 Rubicon Trip & Adventure
August 24 Sand & Dunes – Pismo
September 2019
September 14 Getting Started Off-Road “ LA area
September 15 Day 2 Getting Started Off-Road “ LA area
September 21 Winching: Basic to Advanced – Mojave
September 28 Tire Repair & Hi-lift Mini Clinic – Hawthorne, CA
October 2019
October 05 OAUSA Borrego Fest
October 12 Getting Started Off-Road “ LA area
October 13 Day 2 Getting Started Off-Road “ LA area
October 18 Death Valley Expedition
October 26 Getting Started Off-Road “ San Diego area
October 27 Day 2 Getting Started Off-Road “ San Diego area
November 2019
November 02 Getting Started Off-Road “ LA area
November 03 Day 2 Getting Started Off-Road “ LA area
November 04 Off-Road Hall of Fame Induction & Awards Ceremony
November 05 SEMA “ Las Vegas
November 16 Getting Started Off-Road “ San Diego area
November 17 Day 2 Getting Started Off-Road “ San Diego area
November 30 After Thanksgiving Adventure
December 2019
December 07 Getting Started Off-Road “ LA area
December 08 Day 2 Getting Started Off-Road “ LA area
December 14 Getting Started Off-Road “ San Diego area
December 15 Day 2 Getting Started Off-Road “ San Diego area
I hope to see you on the trails!
Tom Severin, President Badlands Off Road Adventures, Inc.
4-Wheel Drive School
Make it Fun. Keep it Safe.
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Want to Use This Article In Your Magazine, E-Zine, Club Newsletter Or Web Site? You are welcome to use it anytime, just be sure to include the following author/copyright information: Tom Severin, 4×4 Coach, teaches 4WD owners how to confidently and safely use their vehicles to the fullest extent in difficult terrain and adverse driving conditions. Visit www.4x4training.com to develop or improve your driving skill.
Copyright 2019, Badlands Off-Road Adventures, Inc.
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