Four-wheeling isn’t inherently hazardous. But like all outdoors activity, some risks are always present. Now is a good time to review a few common issues encountered while outdoors. Included are steps to mitigate the situation and prevent it from happening altogether.
As a wilderness first responder, I am familiar with many of these situations (and more). Recommendations are based upon my training and experience. Please consult your medical provider for specific advice and treatment.
Ticks: Though small, these buggers can pack a punch. Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, ehrlichiosis, babesiosis and Lyme disease are just some of the nasties they can transmit.
Ticks are present just about everywhere. One day I was leading a group on the Mojave Road. The Mojave Road was an important wagon road in the late 1800s. The key to its existence is a water source about every 18 – 20 miles. When the U.S. mail was put on the road in 1868, the Army built forts to protect each water source. We stopped at each watering spot to look at the redoubts. One of those stops was Marl Spring. While walking through a small grassy area, I picked up several ticks. Even out in the desert you have to be mindful of ticks.
Check yourself thoroughly after every trip into the woods or fields. Pay particular attention to your arms, around your ears, back of the knees, in your hair, between your legs, and along your waist. Deer ticks are tiny – about the size of a pinhead – so look carefully.
The best level of prevention is avoidance. Wear light-colored clothing, with long sleeves and pants. Use bug spray that contains DEET or similar chemical.
Sawyer Insect Repellent can be sprayed and imbedded in the cloths pants, shirts, socks, undies, tents, chairs, hammocks. It is very effective.
No smell after it dries, and it can remain effective through 6 washes. Between protecting the body with deet and gear, equipment and cloths with Permethrin one should be pretty safe.
The EPA has concluded that the normal use of DEET and Permethrin does not present a health concern. Studies have shown Permethrin to be as effective as DEET in repelling mosquitoes. Unlike DEET, however, Permethrin is odorless, non-greasy, and does not dissolve plastics or other synthetics.
Proper removal of the tick is essential. Using a fine-tipped tweezers, grab the tick as close to the skin as possible. Pull straight up and away in a steady, fluid motion. Don’t jerk or twist. You risk breaking off the body and leaving its head in your skin.
Afterwards, wash the area with soap and water, or apply disinfectant alcohol or hand sanitizer. Watch the bite wound for at least three weeks. Visit a doctor if you experience redness at the bite location, aches and pains, or flu-like symptoms.
Avoid old wives solutions such as “painting” the tick with petroleum jelly, or using heat to make the tick detach from the skin. Your goal is to remove the tick as quickly as possible–not waiting for it to detach.
Don’t squash the tick you removed with your fingers. Treat all ticks as if infected with a bloodborne pathogen. Flushing a tick down the toilet may or may not kill it. Ticks can survive three to four days in water. It’s best to put it in a container with alcohol. Don’t waste your good drinking whiskey, however.
For more details check The Center for Disease Control.
Food poisoning/ingested toxins: This can occur during any expedition outdoors. Keeping food chilled properly is challenging during summertime camping. Plus, we tend to leave food out longer than normal. Potato salad and egg salad are of special concern. Avoid raw or undercooked poultry or pork.
Solutions here include keeping cold food chilled, and cooking meats thoroughly. Also, when food is out, don’t leave it in sunlight.
Proper chilling is crucial. Whether you use ice or a portable fridge-freezer, maintain food in the low 40s Fahrenheit.
Another source for toxins is poorly washed hands. Always make a conscious effort to wash hands before preparing food and/or eating. Handi-wipes and hand sanitizer are very helpful off-road. (Though you may want to rinse off the chemicals before eating.)
Wash all utensils, cutting boards and such after each use. It’s also a good ideal to rinse fresh vegetables and any fruit that isn’t peeled before eating.
Be careful of wild berries, nuts and fungi (mushrooms). If you’re not familiar with the plant, leave it alone. Water from a stream or pond can carry giardia. If you choose to drink the water, treat it first.
Ingested toxins can cause a variety of symptoms, including an upset stomach, vomiting and diarrhea. Most people find relief in about a day. Vomiting and diarrhea can lead to dehydration. If any symptoms persist for more than a day, seek medical attention.
Foreign objects in the eye: Probably the most common outdoors is dust or sand in the eye. Also be careful when around campfires. People tend to burn paper, and the ash floating around can get in the eye.
If something gets in the eye, flush with a gentle stream of clean water. Don’t rub the eye, and don’t try to pluck out the object. (Wash your hands first to avoid enhancing the problem.) Sometimes you have to hold up the eyelid to effectively flush the eye.

End of a good day! Time for jokes.
Photo by Chris Laskowski
A minor scratch in the cornea will heal in a day or two, though pain may linger. It’ll feel like something is still in the eye.
If redness and tearing persist for more than a day, seek medical attention. Of course, any significant eye injury requires immediate medical attention.
The best way to prevent an eye injury is to wear goggles. Eye protection is a must if chopping wood or using a power tool. Sunglasses and similar eyewear may protect the eyes from blowing sand or dust.
Never remove impaled objects from the eye. Seek immediate medical help.
Bee stings: For most people, a bee sting is a minor event. The sharp pain lasts for a moment or two, and may be followed with redness and swelling. Most of the time that goes away in a couple hours.
Benadryl helps reduce swelling and itching. (It can make you sleepy, so don’t take if driving.) Ibuprofen and Tylenol are effective against pain.
For those who are allergic to bees, a sting can be deadly. Without treatment, the body can experience anaphylactic shock. But those folks tend to carry an EpiPen so they can self-administer the medicine when needed.
If taken, however, the person must go to the hospital. Symptoms could reappear – known as a rebound – requiring another dose of epinephrine.
The best defense for bee stings is to avoid bees. Steer clear of hives and areas where you see bees (or wasps) buzzing around.
If you know you are allergic, don’t leave home without your EpiPen.
The outdoors, just like urban areas, present a certain number of hazards. They shouldn’t keep you from camping, four-wheeling, or any other activity. Just remember how to avoid the hazards and mitigate any effects.
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Some Upcoming Events (click on the link for details)
July 2023
July 1-3, 2023 Independence Day Club Run
July 8, 2023 Tire Repair And Winching Clinic
July 15, 2023 Starting Rock Crawling
August 2923
August 14, 2023 Rubicon Adventure Club Run
August 26, 2023 Sand Dune Off-Road Driving Clinic
August 27, 2023 Self-Recovery Clinic
September 2023
September 4-6, 2023 Labor Day Club Run
September 9, 2023 Tire Repair And Hi-Lift Clinic
September 23, 2023 Winching Clinic
September 24, 2023 Day 3 Putting It All Together – LA Area
October 2023
October 6, 2023 OAUSA Borrego Fest
October 14, 2023 Getting Started off-Road – LA Area
October 15, 2023 Day 2 Getting Started Off-Road – LA Area
October 20-23, 2023 Death Valley Club Run
October 28, 2023 Getting Started Off-Road – SD Area
October 29, 2023 Day 2 Getting Started Off-Road – SD Area
October 31 – November 1, 2023 SEMA Trade Show
New Product
First Aid Kit
The Rapid Response First Aid Bag comes with easy-to-use M.O.L.L.E. Straps with snaps at one end to attach to a belt up to 5″ wide. It can be worn in any other location with additional Alice clips (not included). It is a lightweight quality designed bag with multiple compartments.
This kit was custom designed by request of Elite military units desiring a more compact & light kit for their daily field operations.
- SS Tweezers (x1)
- SS Hemostat (x1)
- 4″ x 4″ Sterile Gauze (x1)
- Conforming Gauze 4″ x 4.1 yards (x2)
- Multi-Trauma Dressing (x1)
- Bleed Stop Bandages (x2)
- Suture (x1)
- Pain Relievers (x10)
- First Aid Instructions (x1)
- Iodine Wipes (x12)First
- Butterfly Closure Strips (x5)
- First Aid Burn Cream (x1)
- EMT Shears (x1)
- Oral Airway (x1)
- 2″ Elastic Bandages (x2)
- 5″ x 9″ Abdominal Pads (x3)
- Latex Tourniquet (x1)
- 1″ Tape (x1)
- Pair BLK Nitrile Gloves (x1)
- Bandage Strips 1″ x 3″ (x16)
- BZK Antiseptic Wipes (x12)
- Triangular Bandage (x1)
- Ammonia Inhalants (x2)
Weight: 2.5 lbs.
Dimensions: 11″ × 6″ × 6.5″
I hope to see you on the trails!
Tom Severin, President Badlands Off Road Adventures, Inc.
4-Wheel Drive School
Make it Fun. Keep it Safe.
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Want to Use This Article in Your Magazine, E-Zine, Club Newsletter or Web Site? You are welcome to use it anytime, just be sure to include the following author/copyright information: Tom Severin, 4×4 Coach, teaches 4WD owners how to confidently and safely use their vehicles to the fullest extent in difficult terrain and adverse driving conditions. Visit to develop or improve your driving skill.
Copyright 2023, Badlands Off-Road Adventures, Inc.
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